Learn more from and about the Christian Contemplative and Mystic tradition with this 6 month correspondence course. Each month you will receive some teaching via email about the Christian Contemplative and Mystic tradition and prominent figures from within it. It will guide you to study and read more on the month's subject and people, then each month you are required to write a short (between 500 – 1,000 words) response to the subject based on your reading and study, send it to your tutor and they will comment on it. Your response should be based upon what you think of the teaching, what further reading you have done, and how the subject can be made relevant to your life and spiritual walk today.
The course has two start dates, January and July and the subjects are as follows:
- Befriending Silence – Introducing the contemplative tradition – Evelyn Underhill; Olivier Clement; Martin Laird
- The Inner Journey – the transformational journey of your inner self through contemplation - Teresa of Avila; Mother Julian of Norwich; Thomas Merton
- Visions and Verse – the creative expressions of the contemplative tradition – Hildegard of Bingen; John of the Cross; Thomas Treherne
- Unknowing – apophatic theology and the via negativa –Dionysius; John Scotus Eriugena; Meister Eckhart
- Mindful Awareness – the practice of the presence of God in everyday life – Brother Lawrence; Anthony DeMello; Thomas Keating
- Modern Mystics – those teaching this tradition today – Carl McColman; Richard Rohr; Cynthia Bourgeault
Participants will receive an email during the first week of each month from January to June or July to December. There will be some teaching about the subject and some suggested reading to further your study with a short response required from the student. Course fees are £25 per month payable monthly or as one block of £150 for the whole course. If you are paying monthly, payments will be due by the last day of the previous month Payments can be made via paypal.
If you sign up as a group of 10 or more then the course cost reduces to £120 per person instead of £150. Email Waymark Ministries for more details.
The course is written and run by David Cassian Cole. David Cassian has studied, taught, practiced, and written books on the Christian Contemplative and Mystic tradition for a number of years and has been a speaker at places such as Spring Harvest and the Bible Society's International Christian Resource Exhibition (CRE), as well as UK and International conferences. He studied a Masters' degree in 'Christian Spirituality' writing a number of essays on this topic; he is Deputy Guardian for The Community of Aidan & Hilda, a globally dispersed New Monastic community, of which he has also been a member for over 12 years. He is also an award winning author on the subject of Christian meditation.
We hope you get a lot out of this course, and that it helps you walk in a deeper way with God, and connect more deeply with other people.
For more information and a sign-up sheet email us at
[email protected]
* This course is not accredited with any college or university, and you will not gain any qualification from it, it is simply a study course for the love of learning.