Celtic Prayer - Caught up in Love.
By The Community of Aidan & Hilda
By The Community of Aidan & Hilda
Even the most committed pray-ers can get stuck in a rut. Loved and familiar ways of praying can become dry and stale and it can be difficult to rekindle the spark, especially if you’ve only ever known a handful of ways to pray. But help is at hand in this wide-ranging and exciting new collection from the Community of Aidan and Hilda. Edited by David Cole, with contributions from 30 members of the dispersed community, Celtic Prayer– Caught Up in Love explores 20 different ways of praying from the Celtic Christian tradition. Accessible and inspiring, it will refresh your spirit and draw you deeper into knowing God.
‘This book is the antidote to desiccated prayer. A book of fresh and new ways to commune with the Divine when your prayer life might have become dry and lifeless.’ Nicolette Rodden: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity Coordinator for the Community of Aidan and Hilda. Buy this book |